Where is Melissa Zitterman now?

55-yea-old Ron Tomich was shot in the head on February 14, 2003 in the Indiana town of Sandia. He was found lying dead in the kitchen.
Ron's wife, Constance Tomich, was convicted of murder as the mastermind, even though she was not the one who pulled the trigger on Ron. Connie manipulated and used her daughter's friend Melissa Zitterman to carry out the heinous crime.
Zitterman is currently out on parole after serving 10 years behind bars. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in IT management and is currently married and is living a happy family life.
Details of this chilling case will be uncovered in Oxygen's true-crime series Snapped at 5 PM on 16 January.
Here's the synopsis of the case:
The peace of an Indiana town is interrupted on Valentine's Day 2003, when police receive a report of a violent murder.Facts to know before you tune in to the episode
Read on to find out how Ron was killed, why Melissa Zitterman carried out the ghastly act and more
Ron was living a happy married life
What appeared to surface was that Ron was living a happy married life but in reality, his marriage was falling apart. The trigger seemed to be his step-daughter Alyssa's affair with a guy named Aaron, which Ron did not approve of.
Ron implemended strict rules in the house and did allow Alyssa to use her phone or the internet. He wanted to cut off any means of communication that Alyssa might have with Aaron.
Connie, on the other hand, was not as against the relationship. She was, in fact, friendly with her daughter about it, with which Ron had a problem.
Connie started an affair with Ron's co-worker
While Ron was away from home for work, Connie started an affair with Roger, Ron's co-worker. After Alyssa's affair with Aaron got out of Ron's control with him away from home, he decided to return.
Connie realized that if Ron comes back, her relationship with Roger would be affected so she hatched a plan to save her relationship. She decided to get rid of Ron permanently.
Connie manipulated Melissa with stories about Ron
Melissa Zitterman, who did not have anything to do with Ron, was triggered when Connie would tell her stories about what an abusive husband Ron was. Zitterman was also angry about the fact that he had barred her friend Alyssa from using the internet or the phone.
After being emotionally manipulated to the core, Zitterman decided to help Connie and on February 14, Melissa killed Ron by shooting him in the head.
Connie faced an 85-year imprisonment
Despite Melissa being the one who pulled the trigger, Connie faced the maximum sentence as she was the mastermind behind the conspiracy.
Connie was sentenced to 85 years in prison while Melissa was given 20 years imprisonment and 10 years of probation. She is currently out on parole.
Connie is serving her sentence at the maximum-security Indiana Women’s Prison in Indianapolis.
Roger was put under lens but eventually relieved
Connie's boyfriend Roger was also under suspicion, but was relieved when he provided an alibi. Connie had also asked Alyssa's boyfriend Aaron to help her kill her husband, but Aaron was conscious enough to refuse.
Connie had tried to manipulate him by telling him how easy it would be for him to get close to Alyssa with Ron out of the picture.
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