
What did Brenna Percy do? Wolf Swamp Road School employee fired for taking racy pictures for profit

Preschool employee Brenna Percy lost her job at Wolf Swamp Road Elementary School in Longmeadow, Massachusetts, on Wednesday, 24, 2023, after the school was contacted about her creating content for an adult website.

Content Warning: This article contains references to mature themes. Reader discretion is advised

The decision comes after the far-right anti-LGBTQ Twitter account, Libs of TikTok, tipped off the school authorities this week that Brenna Percy appeared to have filmed her explicit material in the school bathroom.

The Libs of TikTok account shared the update on the story with a tweet on January 25, 2023, commenting:

"Massachusetts Preschool teacher "no longer works for Longmeadow Public Schools.""
Tweet by Libs of TikTok (Image via Twitter/@libsoftiktok)

Brenna Percy's explicit snaps were leaked to Libs of TikTok, who tipped off the Longmeadow school

Brenna Percy was a paraprofessional educator at Wolf Swamp Road Elementary. She also operated an OnlyFans, a content subscription platform that primarily focuses on NSFW content.

She operated under the username @hairyboo and on November 3, 2021, shared mirror selfies from what appears to be a school bathroom with her chest exposed with the caption:

"Naughty at work"

The snaps were allegedly leaked to the Libs of TikTok (LoTT), who promptly contacted the school. A LoTT member named Julia emailed the school superintendent details of the paraeducator along with her explicit photos with the message:

"I'm writing a story on this and was hoping to get a comment on if the school approves of this behavior and what actions, if any, will they take?"

Julia added that her deadline was Wednesday (January 24) at 5:00 pm.

According to Libs of TikTok, when they reached out to the school for a follow-up, the secretary, who was "mortified," stated, "My jaw is on my desk." On the afternoon of January 24, the school superintendent called LoTT and said:

"She (Brenna Percy) no longer works for Longmeadow Public Schools."

In a similar incident, a former Arizona middle school science teacher, Samantha Peer, was fired after her students found many of her explicit OnlyFan videos and photographs seemingly filmed in a classroom setting.

The platform has a policy that prohibits users from featuring, recording, displaying, or publishing any content in a public place. This led to her being banned from the site.

It is not yet clear if Brenna Percy will be banned under the policy.

What is Libs of TikTok?

The Twitter account is owned by former real estate agent Chaya Raichik. The account focuses on mocking, hostile, or derogatory comments on the far-left and LGBTQ people. The account boasts 1.8 million followers and has frequently garnered support from conservative groups and right-wing politicians.

LoTT logo (image via Wikimedia Commons)

The account was created in November 2020 and was active in its political commentary, including downplaying the severity of COVID-19, and support for the conspiracy theory of election fraud during the 2020 US presidential elections, among others. By June May 2021 it started posting about the anti-LGBTQ rhetoric.

The account has been harshly criticized for "promoting harassment" and "spreading misinformation and/or disinformation" against individuals, teachers, medical providers, and children's hospitals, especially those who are/or support LGBTQ.

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Valentine Belue

Update: 2024-07-26