
Tom Hiddleston danced, sang a Michael Jackson song in Seoul: best thing ever?


I don’t want to oversell these videos, but these are possibly, probably the greatest Tom Hiddleston videos you will ever see. Tommy has been touring Asia for some advanced promotion for Thor 2: The Dark Loki. He stopped by Beijing, Hong Kong and Seoul, South Korea. It was in South Korea that Tommy went from “happy Company Man” to “He will literally do ANYTHING to promote his movie.” Which is kind of amazing. He took it to an old-school Tom Cruise level of promotional stunt, and I’m saying that with a fair share of awe.

First, Tom is doing some kind of live promotional event (is this a TV show? I have no idea) with an audience and… they ask to dance. AND HE DANCES. Like his life depends on it. Like a boy who knows how to shake his ass. Like a boy who wants to please his daddy:

OH MY GOD. I’ve watched this like ten times already. CB and I can’t get enough of it.

At the same event (I guess?), they ask him to sing. And he busts out Michael Jackson’s “Man in the Mirror”. I can’t even begin to describe the mixture of second-hand embarrassment, joy, pleasure, and weirdness this video gave me. Tom doesn’t even have a great singing voice, he’s just a world-class mimic though.

RIGHT? This is amazing. So much joy. So much embarrassment. But Tom really threw down the gauntlet for all other “company men” didn’t he? Who will even be able to top this mess when it comes to promotional work? Benedict Cumberbatch will do a lot, for sure, but I don’t see Cumby singing and dancing up a storm for any movie. Who else can beat this?

Thanks to browniecakes for the tip!



Photos courtesy of Tom’s WhoSay page.


Trudie Dory

Update: 2024-07-17