T.I. Pokes Tiny Harris For Saying That Heiress Harris Is All Hers See The Photo That Has Fans Sa

Tiny Harris shared a cute photo of the beautiful baby girl, Heiress Harris and said that she’s happy the child is all hers. T.I. quickly hopped in the comments to poke Tiny for saying this.
Whoever knows Tip, also knows that the rapper is simply in love with his baby girl.
‘Missing my 🌞 @heiressdharris I’m just amazed by this kid…& so proud she’s all mine!!! 🤪 🙏🏽👑💜 #GodsGift 📸 cred @giftedtalents & @therealnoigjeremy,’ Tiny captioned a photo of Heiress.
Fans have been saying in the comments that at least in this pic, Heiress is Tip’s twin without a doubt.
This is what Tip commented ‘ALL YOURS?!?!’ and Tiny responded with some kisses emojis.
A fan said ‘She is beyond the most beautiful baby girl ever god bless her.’
Someone else told Heiress’ mom ‘Tiny @majorgirl u remember u was waiting on that head full of hair and look at it now she’s just Beautiful. 💕💯’
One commenter posted ‘@majorgirl I say the same thing about my little 13yo girl ❤️ she’s mine mine mine all mine you can borrow @troubleman31 her every now and again. 😁 🍒👄💯’
A supporter praised Heiress and said ‘She’s perfect in every way, and so photogenic. May God continue to bless her, her siblings, and her amazing parents. ❤️’
Someone said that Heiress is twinning with her dad and a lot of people agreed: ‘Looking like her Dad!!!! Growing fast❤❤❤❤’
Tiny and T.I. took part at the Nipsey Hussle’s memorial service a couple of days ago, and they were extremely marked by the late rapper’s tragic death.