
NCIS Recap 11/24/15: Season 13 Episode 10 Blood Brothers


Tonight on CBS NCIS returns with an all new Tuesday November 24, season 13 episode 10 called, “Blood Brothers” and we have your weekly recap below. On tonight’s episode, the Secretary of Defense calls on NCIS to help a sailor who is battling leukemia to locate a donor for a bone marrow transplant, after two of his siblings are killed in the line of duty.

On the last episode, a petty officer tried to clear his name after his murder case was dismissed due to mishandled evidence. He volunteered to be court-martialed if NCIS agreed to investigate. Did you watch the last episode? If you missed it, we have a full and detailed recap right here for you.

On tonight’s episode as per the CBS synopsis, “The Secretary of Defense calls on NCIS to help a sailor who is battling leukemia to locate a donor for a bone marrow transplant, after two of his siblings are killed in the line of duty. Meanwhile, Bishop returns home to Oklahoma for Thanksgiving”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live coverage of CBS’s NCIS at 8:00 PM EST! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are for the season 13 episode 10.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#NCIS begins with a woman talking to her son who is in the hospital sick with cancer. She mentions Rebecca but he says he doesn’t want his sister to see him like this. He says she’s in Kandahar and doesn’t need the distraction. He jokes about his eulogy and he says he knows he’s not going to make it.

His mother says he will because he’s a Quinn. She tells him to get some rest. She tries to call Sean from the hospital but then a Marine representative is there and tells her that her daughter Rebecca was killed in action. Jimmy shows Tim photos of his turkey and Tony asks what it is. It’s a turducken.

Tim says he and Delilah will be late for dinner because they’re volunteering with Abby at a soup kitchen. Tony turns down the invitation. Jimmy tells them he heard Gibbs chewing out Jake on the phone. But then Gibbs is right there behind him. He runs off terrified. Ellie’s mom comes to talk to her as she’s chopping wood and says her dad is on the way. (OMG it’s Lindsay Wagner – The Bionic Woman!)

Her mom says her grandparents are coming too then asks if Ellie can call her brothers but she says she can see them at Thanksgiving. Her mother tells her that she’s there for her but Ellie just wants time. She tells Ellie Jake has been blowing up her phone. Her mom says she needs to address the problems.

Ellie ignores another call from Jake and takes her axe and chops her phone into splinters. She tells her mom the problem has been addressed. Leon gets off a call and tells Gibbs that SecDef called for help with a time-sensitive matter – a dying sailor. He says Alex Quinn is at Walter Reed with leukemia.

He says his sister Marine Captain Quinn died last week from an IED. Major William Quinn, the oldest brother also died overseas serving his country. Leon says Alex needs a bone marrow transplant and they’re hoping they can find Sean Quinn the youngest of the family who’s missing for six months.

Leon says find Sean to save his brother’s life. Paulette meets with Gibbs and says she and her husband both served as well as all the kids but Sean who couldn’t get in because of a heart murmur. She says Sean spiraled when his older brother Will died and started drinking and hanging out with bad guys.

She says he won’t return her calls and won’t see any of them. She says he doesn’t even know his sister died. She begs him to bring Sean home. Tony goes to see Sean’s landlord and he says he’s a great tenant, is never around, and is quiet. Tim finds a stash of something behind a vent.

There’s a brick of cash and passports with different names but all have photos of Sean. Ellie’s brother George comes in and calls her special agent Barbie. He says he came early to hang with her and he admits that their mom called. George says her coming out of the blue is suspicious.
He head locks her and they go hang in their clubhouse. Abby has made a Gibbs pumpkin then says she did one for all of them for the soup kitchen centerpiece. She asks him about his phone call with Jake but he brushes her off. Abby says the cash is fake and not a perfect counterfeit. There’s $100k there.

Tony says Sean was going to East Coast casinos to cash in the fake money and was using it at retail establishments. Fornell shows up and Leon says the FBI and Secret Service have been tracking the counterfeiting ring for a year. Fornell says Sean is lower level and was recruited by Thomas Reynolds.

He went to school with Sean but was whacked. Sean is operating as an informant for the FBI. Fornell says he can take them to an FBI safe house to meet Sean tonight. Ellie tells George about Jake’s cheating and he says he’s going to kick the guy’s ass. She says there’s not much hope here.

George pulls out an old bottle of hooch they’d hidden in their clubhouse and he asks about her wearing her wedding ring still. She says the vows meant something to her. She says she thought she and Jake would work things out no matter their problems. Their mom comes in and George says they’re having a moment but she says Agent DiNozzo is on the phone for her.

Dr Mallard comes with Gibbs and Fornell to meet with Sean and they see signs of trouble. Gibbs sends Duckie back to the car and they see Sean’s handler is dead, his gun is gone and so is Sean. Tony takes a call from Gibbs as they’re searching for Sean. Tony says a 9 mm killed the agent and Tim says Sean could be the shooter since he has a 9 mm.

George sees Ellie working with a donor database looking for a donor for Alex. She says they found a donor but the person turned it down. She wants to try and get the donor to change his mind. Richard Doogan is the potential donor and he’s in Kansas a few hours away but he’s in Leavenworth barracks. He’s serving life for double homicide. Ellie wants to go talk to the guy.

Duckie coaches Jimmy about being careful with his stitches. They are working on the turducken. Gibbs comes in and asks what it is. Jimmy makes a bad fowl joke and Gibbs is annoyed. Abby is on the screen and says Sean did not kill Agent Potter. The bullet had DNA from two other people – Potter’s DNA and Sean’s DNA. Looks like the same bullet went through both of them.

Duckie says Sean would need medical attention. Ellie is at Leavenworth to see Doogan and she introduces herself. He asks what the Navy wants. She talks about him being in the donor registry. He says it must be important and asks who it’s for. She tells him about Alex and how close of a match he is. Ellie tells him what would be required. He agrees to donate. She thanks him.

He says he wants a deal. He wants his life sentence reduced to time served if she wants his bone marrow. He walks away after delivering that bit. Paulette tells Gibbs she knew Sean was in trouble but never any idea that is was like this. She asks if he has children and he says he had a daughter. She says burying your child is awful. She says she’s lost two children and another is dying in front of her eyes.

She says now she hears Sean is injured and says she can’t take much more. Gibbs says they can save them both. He asks where Sean would go to lay low. She says his boat and says he and Will were fixing it up. It’s at a storage place near a marina. She tells him where to find it. Tony and Tim go looking for Sean. They talk about boat names. They see a bloody fingerprint on the handle of the unit.

They go inside and find more blood on a ladder leading up to the boat and find Sean. He’s still alive. They call an ambulance. Tony tells Gibbs that Sean lost a lot of blood but he’s going to recover fine. Tony says they did a blood panel on Sean and found out he’s not a viable donor. The prisoner is the only option. Tony says he killed two Iraqi detainees and has a life sentence.

Gibbs tells Tony to find out who shot Sean and killed Potter. He’s going to Leavenworth. Abby is watching casino footage looking for hints on the counterfeiting ring. Tim says someone was doing casino runs before Sean since he’s new to the crew. Abby looks at the footage looking for frequent visitors. They find the building manager at Sean’s apartment – Alton Brinkman.

George tells his mom about Jake cheating when Ellie comes down. She says she has to go back to Leavenworth. Ellie says this is what she does but her mom thinks she’s avoiding and making excuses. George says they have company – it’s Gibbs. She goes outside and she asks if he’s really in Oklahoma. He says howdie and says he got a deal for Doogan.

Her mom and George come out and ask for an introduction. Her mom says she’s Barbara and offers him coffee. Ellie says they have to go. Doogan asks what this is and Gibbs says these are the terms. They got him the possibility of parole in 40 years. He says he’d be 70. He hands back the papers unsigned. He says if they want the marrow, get him out. He’s unrepentant about killing the prisoners.

He says they were terrorists who killed innocent people. Doogan asks if they killed people in the line of duty then says he sleeps better knowing those bad guys are gone. Gibbs says this is the only deal he’s ever going to get, take it or leave it. He says no thanks. He tells them save his life and he’ll save the sailor’s life. Fornell and Tony sit down with Anton who asks for his lawyer.

Tony says they don’t need a confession and he says they’re bluffing. Fornell says they can show him their hand. They show him the gun from his apartment. He says he has a permit. They tell him ballistics show he killed an FBI agent and Sean ID’d him as the shooter. Fornell arrests him for the murder of Agent Potter and Anton says wait. He says he can give them his boss but he needs protection.

He says Malcolm Turro is his boss. He says he monitored low-level runners for him. He says he saw Sean with a Fed and says Turro would have killed them all. He says the guy operates out of a warehouse in Arlington. Barbara invites Gibbs to stay for Thanksgiving and Ellie says he’s busy. Barbara and George embarrass Ellie with childhood stories of her stubbornness.

Ellie answers the phone – it’s Jake. She tells him she won’t come back for Thanksgiving and hangs up on him. George asks how Jake has the nerve to call the house and says he’s calling him back but Barbara says to sit down. He says Jake can’t disrespect his little sister like that. Ellie snaps and says it’s her life, her marriage and tells him to back off. Barbara chews out George.

She tells him to go cool off and Barbara follows her daughter. Gibbs gets a call from Tim who says Alex has taken a turn for the worse. He says they’re almost out of time. Gibbs is sitting on the front porch when Ellie comes out. She says she was going for a run to clear her head. He says she’s done enough running. She doesn’t want a lecture and he asks what she needs.

She says she doesn’t want to be treated like she’s fragile but he reminds her how often she checked on him after Iraq but she says he almost died and they were worried. He says her family is worried. He says she needs to talk about it. Ellie is shocked he’s telling her to talk about her feelings. She asks how you process getting shot then who he opened up to. He says Dr Taft.

He says everyone gets to that point, even him. He says just take the first step. She says she can’t and he says Rule 28 – ask for help when you need it. Fornell tells them he has a surveillance on the warehouse and Tim and Tony tell him Malcolm is associated with more than 15 murders. They get a call that Malcolm showed up and they raid the warehouse.

Turo’s guys take shots at the agents but then Fornell has a gun in his face and tells him put down the gun. Tony comes up behind him and knocks him out before he does something dangerous. Ellie comes back to see Doogan who asks if she has good news. She says there’s no possibility of a deal with his conviction. She says she thinks he’s a good person who made mistakes.

She says she knows how the detainees he killed were responsible for IEDs. She says she knows they killed his friend Logan and says grief can push people to extremes. He says he saved soldier’s lives and she says it cost him his. Doogan says he can’t change the past. She says he can change the future. She tells him about Alex. She shows him Alex’s photo and says he can save his life.

She says he took an oath to never leave a fallen soldier behind. Doogan says a deal was his only shot at getting out. He says he just wanted a fresh start and she says this can be a new beginning. She says don’t let a bad situation define who you are. He makes the donation and Gibbs tells her Alex will be on his feet by the New Years. He says thanks to her.

She says she wasn’t sure she could get through to him. Gibbs says he never doubted her for a moment. Sean is with Alex in his hospital room. They take each other’s hand. Fornell tells Tony that he has time to pick up wine for his dinner with Emily if she hasn’t burned the place down. Tony says he stayed to do reports for Tim so he could go volunteer.

Fornell asks Tony about his Sudan trip and then Tony gives him a bottle of wine from his drawer. Fornell is impressed with the vintage then he turns back and says this is pathetic and tells Tony to come to his house for dinner. Tony says he thought he was his second least-favorite agent and Fornell says it’s a punishment since his daughter can’t cook.

Tony asks if he can call him Toby now they’re friends and Fornell says don’t push it. Gibbs is peeling potatoes for Barbara in the kitchen and she says if Ellie trusts him, she can too. She steps closer and says it’s hard Ellie being in a dangerous job so far away. She says she’d prefer she lived at home and worked as a teacher or nun. Gibbs pledges to look after her.

Ellie comes in and says her brothers and father will be there soon and tells Gibbs to watch out for them. Ellie says she’s ready to go back to DC. He tells her he only booked a one way ticket and wasn’t leaving without her. They agree to drive back home together. She starts peeling potatoes with him. She wishes him Happy Thanksgiving and he says you too Bishop.



Chauncey Koziol

Update: 2024-06-10