Miranda Lambert bought a new RV to roadtrip around the country with her husband
Is anyone else still kind of shocked that Miranda Lambert and Brendan McLoughlin are still together and relatively drama-free at this moment? They’ve been married for coming up on a year and a half. The two-year anniversary of the first time they met will be in October/November. At the time they met, he was a Hot Cop with a baby on the way – his former mistress/side-chick would give birth to their son the same week Miranda and Brendan met. Their courtship involved drama and salad-tossing. Their wedding was secret for months. But Brendan has settled in – he quit his job as a police officer, and he and Miranda split their time between New York and Nashville. And now they’re going on the road? Miranda posted the Instagram, above, of herself and Brendan showing off their new RV purchase:
Sunday thoughts. When people ask me questions about all the traveling I’ve done , my answer is pretty much the same every time. “ I’ve been everywhere but I haven’t seen much of anything. “ I’ve been touring for 19 years and most times we just roll in , play our show, and roll to the next town. I’ve only gotten to spend some real time in a few of the places I’ve been. After spending these last few months at home ( a much needed break and time to nest❤️) I realized something. Just because I can’t travel and play shows doesn’t mean I can’t travel and make music. I have the most amazing travel companion, my husband , and we decided to add a family member.
Y’all Meet “The Sheriff . “ A 2020 Airstream Globetrotter. ( thanks @rocketcityrv ) I’ve been a vintage trailer collector for years and this is my very first new one. I’m letting go of a few vintage to make room for adventure in this silver gem! I don’t like change but I’m learning to embrace it. Until I get get back on Elvira and tour, I’ll be pulling this rig all over the country. I know that seeing the world through the windshield again will bring creative vibes. #highwayvagabonds #livinlikehippies #BandMetour
Honestly, RVs leave me cold – I can’t imagine carting around some huge RV across the country. Don’t get me wrong, I like roadtrips. I just don’t enjoy the idea of sleeping in one confined little space and trying to cook there too and all of that. Now, that being said, I’ve always liked the aerodynamic/modern look of those silver “bullet” RVs. Those are super-cute, and I don’t hate the look of Miranda’s new RV. But lord, the drama! How do you think Brendan manages? I think he must be very easy-going, either that or he just thrives on drama like Miranda.
Photos courtesy of Backgrid, WENN, Instagram.