Is Vanna White Vegan?

Vanna White has been turning letters on Wheel of Fortune for almost 40 years now and through it all, she has been able to maintain a great figure that many people envy. The most asked question she gets is how she is able to keep her weight down. Is Vanna White vegan?
Vanna White isn’t vegan. She eats healthily and works out regularly but does not follow any specific diet plan. She doesn’t bring junk food into her house but will indulge every once in a while on the Wheel of Fortune set.
Many have speculated over the years if White had an eating disorder, or if she dieted. She has admitted that when she first moved out of her parents’ house she used to eat more, just because she had nobody there to tell her not to. Now she eats sensibly, and that includes a roast once a week.
The term ‘vegan’ was invented in 1944 after a group six came together over their similar beliefs in staying away from animal products, and decided to take the first three and last two letters of the word vegetarian, a word that had been around since 1839.
Though the term came about in 1944 the movement has been around for over two thousand years, though vegetarianism has been more prevalent than veganism. The difference between the two is that on top of not eating meat or fish, vegans also won’t eat any animal by-products such as eggs and dairy, nor will they support products manufactured with animals.
Veganism has never been just about what you eat, or choose for your products. There has always been some sort of activism that came along with being vegan, even dating back to around 250 B.C. Due to what many feel is an “in your face” approach, vegans have often been ostracized, ridiculed, and picked on for their beliefs.
That’s not to say that all vegans have been passive either, just like with every group of people with a belief system, you have some radicals. Some activists have turned into protestors using some pretty extreme methods.
The debate rages on, and will continue to do so, about the benefits and morality of veganism. Some only see their side in the debate and are not willing to open up about the other side. For years people would roll their eyes at vegans but now they seem to be coming back at them promoting meat-eating, the way vegans promote against it. Honestly, I don’t know that either side is right or wrong in the end, but both sides have members whose methods aren’t needed.
Vanna White Fitness
Vanna White has always appeared to have a slim build, and a penchant for evening gowns, as she was a beauty pageant contestant. After moving away from home, and needing to lose weight before beginning Wheel of Fortune, she adopted a healthy lifestyle that she has maintained for the past, close to forty years. In the 1980s she even had a fitness program out where she would help stay-at-home moms slim down.
While we can look back and laugh at it now, mainly because of the clothes and production, the message pretty much remains the same today when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off. Maintaining a healthy diet, watching your portions, and getting exercise are the key components for most people to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle.
Just like with everything else, there are always caveats, and for some weight is a bigger health problem than just a few extra pounds, and getting the excess weight off isn’t always easy. Just ask anyone with a thyroid problem, or who is on some medications for other ailments. But, the key core elements remain the same year after year. You don’t need to switch to an extreme diet for weight loss.