I Tried Ree Drummond's Deviled Eggs, but My Grandmother's Are Better
- I tried Ree Drummond's deviled egg recipe, which included white vinegar and sugar.
- I typically make my grandmother's "Fatboy's deviled eggs" each year for the holidays.
- Both were delicious, but I think Drummond's recipe could use a few tweaks.
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Ree Drummond is a food savant, but my grandmother's recipe takes the cake when it comes to deviled eggs.
My grandmother Evelyn's recipe — "Fatboy's deviled eggs" — is a staple in the Edmonds family home during the holidays. The dish is based on my grandmother's childhood nickname, Fatboy, and was passed along to my father in 1971 when he was 11.
It's a treasured recipe, but I'm always open to trying new things. After discovering Drummond's deviled egg recipe this fall, I decided to put it to the test.
Drummond uses classic ingredients, but she could learn a thing or two from my grandmother.