
How to unlock vehicles in MX vs ATV Legends

MX vs ATV Legends brings the next entry of the offroad racing franchise, complete with plenty of vehicles to tear through the wilderness with. These include dirtbikes, all-terrain vehicles and even utility terrain vehicles AKA UTVs.

With an expanded selection, players can find the right ride that suits their racing style. However, not every vehicle in the racing title can be unlocked from the beginning.

As a result, players will need to progress through the game and unlock independent vehicles to find the one that best suits them.

Each vehicle has a specific set of requirements to be unlocked, and these requirements vary between vehicles.

Additional vehicles in MX vs ATV Legends can be unlocked via Career Mode

Various vehicles in MX vs. ATV Legends (Image via THQ Nordic)

There are several ways to unlock vehicles in MX vs ATV Legends, and many of them are accomplished through the game's Career Mode.

For example, after completing the initial missions and tutorial, players will receive stock motocross, ATV and UTV vehicles for use. These rides will be an improvement over the Rainbow Sportspike, the starter bike that players are equipped with at the beginning of Career Mode.

Steps to unlocking Additional Vehicles in MX vs ATV Legends

  • From the main menu, select the garage option, which will bring you to the player's current in-game collection of vehicles.
  • Any unlocked vehicles will be listed with their portrait showing. However, locked vehicles will possess a lock-shaped icon denoting that they still need to be acquired.
  • To unlock a given vehicle, simply hover over it and press your confirmation button. For example, A on an Xbox controller or X on a Playstation Dualshock controller. If players have enough money to unlock the vehicle, players should be able to do so as long as the vehicle can actually be unlocked at the time.
  • Additional vehicles can be made available for unlocking by progressing through MX vs ATV Legends' Career Mode. After completing certain races or achieving titles such as Triple Crowns, players can gain access to additional vehicles in their garage that they can purchase with their hard-won funds.
  • Even if players unlock a vehicle, they'll only experience the tip of the iceberg. This MX vs ATV title features in-depth tuning and customization, allowing players to tweak their bike or quad to perfection.

    Different tracks and locations can be more demanding on certain vehicles, especially if they aren't fine-tuned for the course. Players should either find a comfortable medium for their vehicle's tuning or change it up occasionally when a new course seems a little too demanding.

    THQ Nordic has stated that they plan to release additional vehicles in the future. While it won't be apparent what form they will arrive in, MX vs ATV Legends players enjoying the game will certainly have plenty of new rides to look forward to.

    Even if they arrive as paid DLC, there should be more than enough players willing to spend a few real-world dollars to unlock the right vehicle for them.

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    Valeria Galgano

    Update: 2024-06-13