How to loot Topaz's nest in Druid Grove in Baldur's Gate 3
Topaz is one of the characters/creatures that you’ll come across in Baldur’s Gate 3. For those who are just new to the recently released RPG, it is a blue jay that built its nest within the Druid Circle. At first glance, the bird and its nest may be deemed as a normal occurrence in the game. However, those who have already delved into the game’s Early Access iteration know that there’s good stuff there.
Getting those goodies from the nest may be a bit of a handful since the bird is guarding its turf. However, you can refer to this guide to loot its nest.
Topaz’s nest location in Baldur’s Gate 3
After reaching Druid Grove, you need to make your way to the middle portion of this area in Baldur’s Gate 3, all the way to The Sacred Pool. You won’t miss Topaz since the bird is hovering over its loot-filled nest. You’ll soon notice that it’s not just gold that’s in the nest, but a quest item dubbed a Shiny Key.
This Shiny Key will come in handy in unlocking the Shiny Chest that can also be found within the Druid Grove. Alongside this key is a small fortune in gold that the blue jay has been keeping in its nest. Now that you’re aware of the contents of the bird’s abode, it’s time to get those goodies from the blue avian.
Ways to loot Topaz’s nest
First-time Baldur’s Gate 3 players might think that it’s that easy to loot Topaz’s humble nest. Getting caught by the bird will get you deemed a thief by the bird. It’s not only the bird that will tag you as such, The Druids within that grove will also learn of your deed, and you'll catch their ire.
To avoid this, you can use your skills and spells to loot the nest. Speak with Animals is a good way to get the Shiny Key and gold from the bird. As the spell suggests, it allows you to communicate with animals/beasts in Baldur’s Gate 3. Have someone from your group who’s adept in performing the spell attempt to persuade the bird.
If the aforementioned spell doesn't work, you can also perform Stealth during this encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3. This Dexterity Skill allows you to sneak up on anyone without being seen. Rangers, Bards, Rogues, and Monks can select such a skill.
After you’re in Stealth mode, you’ll just have to wait for the bird to look away. Once the bird does this, you can now get both the Shiny Key and gold in its nest.
And that concludes our guide in looting Topaz’s nest in Baldur’s Gate 3. Check out Sportskeeda for more Baldur’s Gate 3 tips, guides, and features on other role-playing games.
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