
How to easily add symbols and icons to your Clan tag in Modern Warfare 2?

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 brings a plethora of new additions and changes to the series. This time around, the developers have put a lot of emphasis on customization features, which is most evident in the game's Gunsmith system. Focusing on the customization options, players can now assign unique symbols and icons to their Clan tag.

Modern Warfare 2 features the ability to customize one's Calling Cards, Emblems, Clan tags, and more. The Clan tag section allows users to input a few characters which are representative of the clan the player belongs to. It acts as an identifying measure and will always appear before their actual name. However, gamers are not limited to using letters or numbers in this area.

This article takes a closer look into the process of using symbols and icons in the Clan tag section of Modern Warfare 2.

Everything fans need to know about adding symbols and icons to the Clan tag in Modern Warfare 2

Adding symbols or icons to one's Clan tag in MW2 is quite easy and can be accomplished within a matter of seconds. Users won't be required to install any third-party apps or software to use the icons, as this feature is built within the game. However, what players will need are codes for these symbols and icons.

These symbols and icons, like changing the color of your name, take the form of codes, which are entered into the Clan tag section of the player's profile. This makes the user stand out from the rest of the lobby and often attracts attention.

Here's how you can add symbols and icons to your Clan tag in Modern Warfare 2:

1) First, launch Modern Warfare 2 and select "Edit Clan Tag." You can find this under the profile options in the top right corner of your screen.

2) Here, insert NKo (Unicode block) characters. [Check the section below]

NKo (Unicode block) characters (Image via Wikipedia)

3) Now press the 'Save' button and exit. The icon/symbol will now be added to your Clan tag section.

4) If you wish to remove it, simply remove all the characters from the Edit Clan tag section and proceed to save it.

Note: This method only functions with a keyboard, so it won't work for you if you use a PlayStation or Xbox system.

All symbols and icons

Below is a list of all the codes for your Modern Warfare 2 profile that you can copy and paste into your Clan tag section.

  • {x} - X key (Works with any keyboard letter and number key)
  • ߇ - Left Stick
  • ߈ - Right Stick
  • ߉ - Left Stick
  • ߊ - Right Stick
  • ߋ - Left Stick
  • ߌ - Right Stick
  • ߍ - Vault Arrow
  • ߎ - Dpad
  • ߏ - Plus
  • ߐ - Minus
  • ߑ - White Caution
  • ߒ‎ - Two Arrows
  • ߓ - Two Arrows
  • ߔ - Lock
  • ߕ - Skull
  • ߖ - Cod Point
  • ߚ - Up Arrow
  • ߛ - Down Arrow
  • ߜ - Left Arrow
  • ߝ - Right Arrow
  • ߞ - Mouse 1
  • ߟ - Mouse 2
  • ߠ - Mouse 3
  • ߡ - Mouse 4
  • ߢ - Mouse 5
  • ߣ - Mouse Wheel Down
  • ߤ - Mouse Wheel Up
  • ߥ - Mouse
  • ߦ - Activated Mic
  • ߧ - Ammo
  • ߨ - Orange Caution
  • ߩ - Crosshair
  • ߪ - Skull w/ Lightning
  • ߫ - Unlock Icon
  • ߬ - Square w/ X
  • ߭ - Square
  • ߮ - Arrow Circle
  • ߯ - Noob Tube
  • ߰ - Underbarrel Shotgun
  • ߱ - Scroll Wheel
  • ߲ - Right Mouse w/ Arrows
  • ߳ - MW2 Key
  • ߴ - Hitmarker
  • ߵ - Party Icon
  • ߶ - Gunsmith Icon
  • ߷ - Green Checkmark
  • ߸ - Yellow Arrow Circle
  • ߹ - Yellow Paper
  • ߺ - Red Caution
  • ߽ - Stealth Bomber
  • ߾ - VTOL Jet
  • ߿ - Wheelson

This is all you need to know about adding custom icons and symbols to your Modern Warfare 2 Clan tag. Utilizing such components increases the customizability and fun factor.

Modern Warfare 2 is now available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series S|X.

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Carisa Kissane

Update: 2024-07-30