
Fame | Kristin Tattar net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

Does Kristin Tattar have any children? What are the names of Kristin Tattar's children? What are the ages of Kristin Tattar's children?

Kristin Tattar Children: 1

How old is Kristin Tattar? When is Kristin Tattar's birthday? Where is Kristin Tattar born? Where did Kristin Tattar grow up from? What's Kristin Tattar's age?

Kristin Tattar Born: July 3, 1992 (age 31years), Prnu, Estonia

How about Kristin Tattar's current_tour?

Kristin Tattar Current_tour: Disc Golf Pro Tour

How about Kristin Tattar's profession_win?

Kristin Tattar Profession_win: 81

How about Kristin Tattar's nationality?

Kristin Tattar Nationality: Estonian

How about Kristin Tattar's dgpt_femal_player_of_the_year?

Kristin Tattar Dgpt_femal_player_of_the_year: 2022

How about Kristin Tattar's pdga_europ_femal_player_of_the_year?

Kristin Tattar Pdga_europ_femal_player_of_the_year: 2018, 2019, 2021

Who is Kristin Tattar married to?

Tattar achieved this historic milestone by securing wins at four unique PDGA Major events. In addition to the 2023 European Open, Tattar had previously secured wins at the 2019 United States Women's Disc Golf Championships (USWDGC), 2022 PDGA World Championships, and the 2023 Champions Cup.

Does Kristin Tattar have a child?

Tattar achieved this historic milestone by securing wins at four unique PDGA Major events. In addition to the 2023 European Open, Tattar had previously secured wins at the 2019 United States Women's Disc Golf Championships (USWDGC), 2022 PDGA World Championships, and the 2023 Champions Cup.

How much did Kristin Tattar make last year?

Tattar achieved this historic milestone by securing wins at four unique PDGA Major events. In addition to the 2023 European Open, Tattar had previously secured wins at the 2019 United States Women's Disc Golf Championships (USWDGC), 2022 PDGA World Championships, and the 2023 Champions Cup.

How many worlds has Kristin Tattar won?

Tattar achieved this historic milestone by securing wins at four unique PDGA Major events. In addition to the 2023 European Open, Tattar had previously secured wins at the 2019 United States Women's Disc Golf Championships (USWDGC), 2022 PDGA World Championships, and the 2023 Champions Cup.


Carisa Kissane

Update: 2024-06-24