Ammika Harris Surprises Fans In Black Lace See Her Jaw-Dropping Outfit

Ammika Harris posted a photo on her social media account in which she is wearing a black lacey outfit. See some of the fans’ reactions as well.
Someone said: ‘GORGEOUS LADY…Enjoy the Weekend…’ and a commenter posted this: ‘I wanted to be the first to comment…..ily♥’
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A post shared by Ammika Harris (@ammikaaa)
One folloer posted this message: ‘Your smile makes my day❤️’ and a commenter said: ‘Needed this to light up my fridayy😩 ONE of your best photo shoots by far🔥 that smile is the best thing in this pic for me it’s so genuine 🤩’
One follower said: ‘Awww who is this Itty bitty beautiful babygirl committee 🥰’ and a follower said: ‘❤️a whole lot of beauty in this pic, absolutely gorgeous.’
More fans hopped in the comments to praise Chris Brown’s baby mama. She has been posting all kinds of racy pics for a while and people are being impressed by her natural beauty.
The other day, we revealed that Ammika Harris just surprised her fans and followers on social media with this clip. Check out a detail that not too many people know about.
‘On repeat. These are my real glasses, like yo girl can’t see without them 🥺’ Ammika captioned her post.
In other news, Ammika Harris told fans that she gained some weight recently, and she also made sure to drop a pic for her fans on her social media account.
‘U know when you’ve heard “you gained weight” so many times a day, now u unsure if it’s a good or a bad thing 😂’ Ammika captioned her post.