
Alyssa Milano, Nancy Sinatra Call Out President Trump For Being Silent During the War On Women

Alyssa Milano is doing everything in her power to bring attention to the sweeping abortion bills that are passing and severely limiting women’s right to terminate her pregnancy in the safest way possible. But on Thursday morning she discussed another topic — female genital mutilation.

Not only is she using her social media platforms to create awareness on the topic, but she is calling President Trump out for his silence. Remember that Alyssa Milano is the woman who got the #MeToo hashtag movement viral, even though she didn’t create it. When it comes to using social media as a tool to create awareness, Alyssa Milano is one of the loudest voices there is.

And now she’s screaming for the nation to wake up.

In nearly non-stop tweets, Alyssa Milano drew attention last week when she suggested women go on a sex strike until men stand by women and support them in the abortion battle. Now, she joins Nancy Sinatra in calling out President Trump for their failure to defend the national ban on female genital mutilation.

Nancy Sinatra shared a tweet that included a link to an article from Raw Story. Alyssa responded with the following.

“The Trump administration is refusing to defend the national ban on torturing young girls in the most awful and breathtakingly indefensible way imaginable…while sentencing them to lives of pain, despair and psychological torment.” #WarOnWomen”

“The Trump administration is refusing to defend the national ban on torturing young girls in the most awful and breathtakingly indefensible way imaginable…while sentencing them to lives of pain, despair and psychological torment.” #WarOnWomen https://t.co/uoS85LKS8c

— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) May 16, 2019

According to the Raw Story article, female genital mutilation has been under a federal ban for the past 20 years, but the ban is about to lapse due to a legal loophole. The Trump administration is failing to work together and quickly to get more protections in place. Though female genital mutilation might seem like a problem for another country, there are approximately 500,000 girls who would be at risk of undergoing the procedure in the United States, according to the Raw Story.


Now celebrities such as Nancy Sinatra and Alyssa Milano are creating awareness on the topic and are hoping people will contact their representatives to let them know they want the ban on female genital mutilation to stay intact. What do you think about Trump dropping the ball on female genital mutilation?


Carisa Kissane

Update: 2024-07-12